Projekt für 50 "Kindermütter"

Der Förderverein „Fasha ngo i Butare – Zukunft für Butare e. V.“ finanziert in den Jahren zwischen 2020 und 2022 ein Projekt für 50 "Kindermütter" im Alter von 12 bis 18 Jahren (nichteheliche minderjährige Mütter),

Diese jungen Frauen sind oftmals von ihren Familien verstoßen, da sie Schande über diese gebracht haben. Sie sind mit ihren Kleinkindern unversorgt, und es besteht das Risiko, dass sie weitere nichtehelichen Geburten haben werden.

Das Projekt soll dazu dienen, die Versorgung der Mädchen und ihrer Kinder sicherzustellen (sie erhalten beispielsweise eine Ziege) und Ihnen zu ermöglichen, ihren Schulabschluss nachzuholen und/oder einen Beruf zu erlernen, damit sie sich und ihre Kinder danach unterhalten können. Daneben sollen ihnen Kenntnisse u. a. im Umgang und der Erziehung ihrer Kinder, Regeln einer gesunden Ernährung, Hygiene und Empfängnisverhütung vermittelt werden.

Project from 2020 to 2022

At the request of the Diocese of Butare, the board of our sponsorship association decided to fund the project "Welfare promotion of unmarried young mothers".

With the exception of the city of Butare, the Diocese of Butare is one of the rural districts of Rwanda. One of their problems is a large number of unmarried mothers. They are unemployed and suffer from bitter poverty. They are often rejected by their families because they shame them. They are unhealthy due to malnutrition and their babies cannot grow up properly. A survey conducted in Gisagara District in March 2018 found that there were more than 50 unhappy young unmarried mothers living in the Ndora and Mugombwa sectors. The project initially focuses on the two sectors mentioned above.
In order to promote the well-being of the unmarried mothers mentioned above, it is planned to offer the mothers one-year training in tailoring and knitting at two locations. The purchase of 16 sewing machines and 4 knitting machines is necessary for this training.
In addition, the young women are to be trained in the areas of entrepreneurship (Akazi kanoze), combating HIV / AIDS, human reproduction, family planning, hygiene, nutrition, children's rights and malaria prevention. The young women and their children will be cared for the duration of the program. The risk of another unwanted pregnancy is minimized.

In order to overcome the greatest poverty, 50 goats are to be bought for the women.
The project is planned to last 3 years.


  • 50 young and unmarried mothers between 12 and 18 years old are trained as certified seamstresses and knitters and also receive lessons and advices in the topics mentioned above.    
  • They will be able to found sewing and knitting associations after completing their training.

To finance the project, an amount of € 10,500 is required in the first year, and an amount of € 8,125 each in the second and third year of training - a challenge for our association; however, we are convinced that we can take on this task. The sustainability of this project is beyond doubt. Finally, 50 young women can be given the opportunity to make a living with their children in the future.